Tuesday, November 22, 2011


What can I say?  They're pretty.  You can stick them anywhere you want, a n y w h e r e.  Maybe not conventionally, but I do anyways.  

Shirts, boots, pants, scarves, jackets.

They look great on any item of clothing.

Some sketches of brooches I made today.

It tends to be hard to find interesting brooches that don't look tacky.  Especially when you go into antique shops and they have layers upon layers of costume jewelry - it can be a nightmare digging through the overly gaudy to find ones that make a stand alone statement (think borderline ugly yet somehow the beauty and uniqueness ultimately shines through).

These are some of my favorite brooches that I own.
I think its best to use them as a stand alone piece.  If you start piling on too much other jewelry with them you will start to look a little messy and bogged down by accessories.  I'd say it would be good to pair some simple earrings with a large/obnoxious brooch.  But hey, if you can make more work then go for it.

Brooch on a scarf.
Brooch on boots.


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