Monday, November 21, 2011

Scanner Art

Something fun to do with your Monday evening: throw things on scanners and move them around to make pretty pictures.  Possibly not pretty, depending on who you are asking.  I tried this and actually ended up with some that I liked.

Yarn and a strange hat.

Zig-zagging a pill bottle.

A combination of the first two.
My graphics professor was talking about how he remembered when the first scanners came out, and they scanned over the image three times in order to get the blue, green, and red of the image.  An artist took a clear tub of water with goldfish inside and set it on top of the scanner bed.  I haven't been able to find the image but I imagine it looking abstract and colorful, since the fish were obviously swimming around while it took these three different images consisting of different colors.

More scanner art in the future?  Possibly.

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